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American Beacon Garcia Hamilton Quality Bond Fund R5 Class (GHQIX)

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8.96 +0.03    +0.34%
27/09 - Đóng cửa. Tiền tệ tính theo USD ( Miễn trừ Trách nhiệm )
Loại:  Quỹ
Thị trường:  Hoa Kỳ
Đơn vị phát hành:  American Beacon
Lớp Tài Sản:  Trái phiếu
  • Xếp Hạng Morningstar:
  • Tổng Tài Sản: 9.88M
American Beacon GarciaHmltnQual Bd Instl 8.96 +0.03 +0.34%

Tổng quan GHQIX

Đây là nơi bạn có thể tìm kiếm hồ sơ chuyên sâu về American Beacon Garcia Hamilton Quality Bond Fund R5 Class. Tìm hiểu về các nhân sự quản lý chủ chốt, tổng tài sản, chiến lược đầu tư và thông tin liên hệ của GHQIX cùng nhiều thông tin khác.
Thể loại

Intermediate-Term Bond

Tổng Tài Sản


Chi Phí


Ngày Bắt Đầu


Thông Tin Liên Lạc

Địa Chỉ 220 East Las Colinas Blvd., Suite 1200
Irving,TX 75039
United States
Điện thoại +1 8006585811

Các Chuyên Viên Hàng Đầu

Tên Tiêu đề Kể từ Cho tới
Jeffrey D. Detwiler - 2024 bây giờ
Tiểu sử Mr. Detwiler holds a B.S. in Finance from the University of South Florida and a M.S. in Finance from University of Houston’s Bauer School of Business. Additionally, he earned a Graduate Certificate in Financial Services Management from the University of Houston for his work as a Portfolio Manager of the Cougar Investment Fund, LLC. He began his career in the investment industry in 1996 as a financial planner and has worked for Franklin Templeton Investments as well as INVESCO Funds Group prior to joining Garcia Hamilton & Associates L.P. as a Fixed Income Analyst in 2007. He was promoted to Fixed Income Portfolio Manager in 2010. Mr. Detwiler became a partner of the firm in 2016. Mr. Detwiler is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charterholder and serves as a member of the CFA Institute and the Houston Society of Financial Analysts. Mr. Detwiler has also attained the Accredited Asset Management Specialist (AAMS) designation awarded by the College for Financial Planning.
Karen H. Tass Analyst 2024 bây giờ
Tiểu sử Ms. Tass received a B.A. in International Studies with a minor in Business from Texas A&M University in 2002. She graduated in August 2010 with a M.B.A. in Finance from University of Houston’s Bauer School of Business along with a Graduate Certificate in Financial Services Management. In 2005, she was a Real Estate Analyst with the Situs Companies. In this role, she executed financial underwriting loans for CMBS securities and performed raw land, residential and commercial real estate asset valuations and mortgage analysis. In 2009, she worked for the Cougar Investment Fund, LLC as an Analyst and a Portfolio Manager. Ms. Tass joined Garcia Hamilton & Associates L.P. in June of 2010 as a Fixed Income Analyst. She was promoted to Fixed Income Portfolio Manager in 2013. Ms. Tass became a partner of the firm in 2016. Ms. Tass is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charterholder. She is a member of the CFA Institute and the Houston Society of Financial Analysts and she was also a Winner of the 2010 Investment Research Challenge-Southwest U.S.
Nancy Rodriguez Partner 2016 bây giờ
Tiểu sử Ms. Rodriguez received a B.S. in Biology from the University of Houston in 1987. After graduating, she joined the investment firm Daniel Breen & Co., L.P. in Houston, Texas where she worked from 1987 to 1998. During her time with Daniel Breen, she held several positions including Trader’s Assistant working with both equity and fixed income securities, Research Assistant and Portfolio Administrator. Ms. Rodriguez joined Garcia Hamilton & Associates in 1998 as a Fixed Income Administrator. She initially served as a Trader’s Assistant and Portfolio Administrator. When Gilbert Garcia joined the firm in 2002 to manage the Fixed Income strategies, Ms. Rodriguez was designated to assist in building the bond business as a Fixed Income Trader, and later, a Fixed Income Analyst. Ms. Rodriguez was promoted to Fixed Income Portfolio Manager in 2010 and became a partner of the firm in 2014. She currently oversees the fixed income trading desk.
Gilbert Andrew Garcia President 2016 bây giờ
Tiểu sử Mr. Garcia received a B.A. in Economics from Yale University. After graduating in 1985, he joined Salomon Brothers in New York City where he became a Vice President specializing in mortgage-backed securities. In 1990, he joined former Mayor Henry Cisneros to build Cisneros Asset Management Company, ultimately becoming its President. In 2002, he joined Garcia Hamilton & Associates and is the firm’s Managing Partner. Under his leadership, the firm grew from $200 million in fixed income assets under management to over $16.4 billion as of October 2020. GH&A has received numerous industry recognitions. Most recently in 2019 Houston Business Journal recognized Mr. Garcia among Houston’s Top CEOs, as well as being ranked among their Best Places to Work in 2018. The firm also received Pensions & Investments’ Best Places to Work in Money Management for the fourth year in a row (2019, 2018, 2017, 2016). Emerging Manager Monthly awarded the firm Fixed Income Manager of the Year for the third time (2019, 2018 and 2010). Other past awards include FundMap’s 2018 US Fixed Income Manager, Institutional Investor’s Intermediate-Term Fixed Income Manager of the Year in 2016 and 2015, as well as their 2014 Fixed Income Investment Grade Manager of the Year. During the recent COVID-19 crisis, Mr. Garcia and GH&A have donated over 30,000 masks along with hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes to various organizations. Mr. Garcia is proud to serve on two SEC advisory boards: SEC’s Fixed Income Market Structure Advisory Board and SEC’s Asset Management Advisory Committee where he leads a subcommittee focused on Diversity and Inclusion. He currently serves as a member of the Board of Trustees for Dallas Police & Fire Pension System and serves with Chairman Henry Kravis on the Board of Directors of SEO, a non-profit providing summer internships on Wall Street for minority undergraduates. Additionally, in 2018 he was co-chair for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. The same year, he was also awarded “Male Entrepreneur of the Year 2018” by the Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. In 2015, Mr. Garcia was awarded the SEO Alumni Leadership Award alongside other honorees, including the former mayor of New York City, Michael R. Bloomberg, and Co-Founder & Co-CEO of The Carlyle Group, David M. Rubenstein.
Hướng Dẫn Đăng Bình Luận


Chúng tôi khuyến khích các bạn đăng bình luận để kết giao với người sử dụng, chia sẻ quan điểm của bạn và đặt câu hỏi cho tác giả và những người khác. Tuy nhiên, để duy trì chất lượng cuộc đàm luận ở mức độ cao, điều mà chúng ta đều mong muốn, xin bạn hãy nhớ những nguyên tắc sau:

  • Làm phong phú cuộc đàm luận
  • Đi vào trọng tâm và đúng hướng. Chỉ đăng những nội dung liên quan đến chủ đề đang được thảo luận.
  • Hãy tôn trọng. Kể cả những ý kiến tiêu cực cũng phải được viết trong khuôn khổ tích cực và ngoại giao.
  • Sử dụng phong cách viết chuẩn. Bao gồm cả dấu chấm câu, chữ hoa và chữ thường.
  • LƯU Ý: Các tin rác và/hoặc thông điệp cùng đường dẫn quảng cáo, email, số điện thoại trong bài bình luận sẽ bị xóa bỏ, đồng thời các tài khoản có những bình luận này cũng sẽ bị treo cho đến khi chủ tài khoản cam kết không vi phạm lần thứ hai các quy định đăng bài.
  • Tránh những công kích cá nhân, báng bổ hay vu khống trực tiếp đến tác giả hay một người sử dụng khác.
  • Chỉ cho phép các bình luận bằng Tiếng Việt.

Theo toàn quyền quyết định của Investing.com, thủ phạm gây ra thư rác hay có hành động lạm dụng sẽ bị xóa khỏi trang và bị cấm đăng nhập trong tương lai.

Bình luận GHQIX

Viết cảm nghĩ của bạn về American Beacon Garcia Hamilton Quality Bond Fund R5 Class
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Bạn tạm thời không thể bình luận do đã có báo cáo tiêu cực từ người dùng. Nhân viên điều phối trang của chúng tôi sẽ xem xét trạng thái của bạn.
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Thay thế biểu đồ đính kèm bằng một biểu đồ mới ?
Bạn tạm thời không thể bình luận do đã có báo cáo tiêu cực từ người dùng. Nhân viên điều phối trang của chúng tôi sẽ xem xét trạng thái của bạn.
Vui lòng chờ một phút trước khi gửi lại lời bình.
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