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BNY Mellon Global Equity Income Fund Sterling W Acc (0P0000XTSP)

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Vui lòng đặt tên cho danh mục đầu tư của bạn
3.276 -0.030    -0.88%
04/10 - Đóng cửa. Tiền tệ tính theo GBP ( Miễn trừ Trách nhiệm )
Loại:  Quỹ
Thị trường:  Anh Quốc
Đơn vị phát hành:  BNY Mellon Global Management Ltd
Mã ISIN:  IE00B8YX0888 
Lớp Tài Sản:  Cổ phiếu
  • Xếp Hạng Morningstar:
  • Tổng Tài Sản: 6.15M
BNY Mellon Global Funds PLC - BNY Mellon Global Eq 3.276 -0.030 -0.88%

Tổng quan 0P0000XTSP

Đây là nơi bạn có thể tìm kiếm hồ sơ chuyên sâu về BNY Mellon Global Equity Income Fund Sterling W Acc. Tìm hiểu về các nhân sự quản lý chủ chốt, tổng tài sản, chiến lược đầu tư và thông tin liên hệ của 0P0000XTSP cùng nhiều thông tin khác.
Thể loại

Global Equity Income

Tổng Tài Sản


Chi Phí


Ngày Bắt Đầu


Thông Tin Liên Lạc

Địa Chỉ 2-4, rue Eugène Ruppert L-2453 Luxembourg
Luxembourg, 2453
Điện thoại -

Các Chuyên Viên Hàng Đầu

Tên Tiêu đề Kể từ Cho tới
James A. Lydotes Deputy Chief Investment Officer 2023 bây giờ
Tiểu sử Jim is Newton’s deputy chief investment officer of equity. He is the lead portfolio manager for the Global Infrastructure Dividend Focus Equity, International Equity, International Small Cap Equity and Global Healthcare REIT strategies. Jim has been the lead portfolio manager on the Global Infrastructure Dividend Focus Equity and Global Healthcare REITs strategies since their inceptions in 2011 and 2015 respectively, engineering both outcome-oriented income strategies to provide exposure to distinct themes in a risk-aware framework.
Jonathan Bell Portfolio Manager 2020 bây giờ
Tiểu sử Through his tenure at Newton, Jon has led both the global equity and multi-asset teams and been responsible for a number of multi-asset and global equity portfolios. As well as his extensive investment roles at the firm, he has also spent time as a member of the commercial team involved in discussing client portfolios and tailoring strategies to meet client requirements. He sits on Newton’s investment risk oversight groups. Jon joined the Newton equity income team in March 2020, and is responsible for both core and sustainable global equity income strategies. Jon joined Newton in 1995 and has a degree in natural sciences from Cambridge University.
Robert Hay Portfolio Manager 2020 bây giờ
Tiểu sử Robert has been lead manager of the Newton Concentrated Global Equity strategy. In late March 2020 it was announced Rob would move into the Newton equity income team during Q2 2020 to work with the team on Newton global equity income strategies. Robert began his career in the private client investment division at Newton in 2000 and has managed a variety of global equity mandates. Robert has an MA from Edinburgh University, a Master’s in European Business from the EAP European School of Management in Paris and is a CFA charterholder. Outside of work, Robert enjoys spending time outdoors with his young family and is looking forward to travelling with them as they get older.
Ilga Haubelt Investment Leader 2020 2022
Tiểu sử Ilga joined Newton in 2019 to head up the firm’s equity income team and is part of the management team for the Newton Global Equity Income strategy. Prior to joining Newton, Ilga was head of Global Equities at Deka Investments, where she oversaw a team of more than 20 portfolio managers with €15bn of assets under management. She was also the lead manager of Deka’s flagship global equity income fund. Before joining Deka Investments, Ilga was a portfolio manager and research analyst at Union Investment, where she was lead manager of a North American generalist equities fund, a REIT, and a global listed real estate equities fund. Ilga began her asset management career with Munich Ergo Asset Management (MEAG) as a real estate specialist. Ilga has a PhD in economics, as well as masters degrees in economics and Roman languages, from the University of Freiburg in Germany. Outside of work, IIga enjoys spending time with her family and friends, travelling, visiting arts exhibitions, learning to play the viola and reading.
Paul Flood Head of Mixed Assets Investment 2020 2022
Tiểu sử Paul is Head of Mixed Assets Investment at Newton. He is also lead manager of Newton Multi-Asset Diversified Return strategy, the Newton Multi-Asset Income strategy and the Newton Multi-Asset Growth strategy. He also provides leadership and analysis on asset allocation, derivatives and convertible bonds for the wider firm, having spent the earlier part of his career working on strategic asset allocation and derivative strategy. Paul is responsible for generating ideas within alternative assets and has been leading in this area since 2008. He is a member of the macro allocation group and provides feedback to the wider house on strategic and tactical asset allocation. Paul joined Newton in 2004. He is a CFA1 charterholder and has completed the certificate in quantitative finance (CQF) after passing with distinction. Paul studied Astrophysics at the University of St Andrews and is a keen cyclist and runner, having recently cycled the length of the UK from Land’s End to John O’Groats and often participates in marathons. Joined Newton: 2004 Joined industry: 2004
Andrew MacKirdy investment manager 2019 2020
Tiểu sử Andrew MacKirdy is an investment manager and member of the global equity team at Newton, which he joined in September 2018. Prior to joining Newton, Mr. MacKirdy was a global equity portfolio manager at Polar Capital since 2012.
Nick Clay Specialist Benchmark Manager 2010 2020
Tiểu sử Nick Clay is an investment manager and member of the global equity team at Newton, which he joined in 2000. He graduated in 1990 with a degree in Economics and Philosophy. He joined the Sun Alliance UK Equity Team. After gaining his professional qualifications to become a member of the Institute of Investment Management and Research, Nick moved to Provident Mutual Investment Managers. He joined Newton in November 2000 as a Specialist Benchmark Manager. Prior to joining Newton, Nick acquired a range of experience as a UK equities manager at Morley Fund Management and as an analyst at Sun Alliance. Nick attended Leeds University and is an associate member of the UK Society of Investment Professionals.
Ian Clark - 2010 2018
Tiểu sử Mr. Clark is a director of Walter Scott and joined the firm in 1983.
Terry Coles Assistant Director 2015 2017
Tiểu sử Mr. Coles is a portfolio manager on the global equities team at Newton, where he has been employed since 2010. In addition, Newton's responsible investment team, led by Rob Stewart, will be responsible for the fund's fundamental ESG research and analysis, controversy monitoring, company engagement and active proxy voting.
James Harries Portfolio Manager 2010 2015
Tiểu sử James is the Senior Fund Manager and has 23 years’ investment experience, and has managed global equity portfolios since 2002. Joining Troy in 2016 to establish the Trojan Global Income Fund, James was previously a Fund Manager at Newton Investmen. He was also the alternate manager on the Newton Real Return Fund. James graduated from Bristol University with a BSc in Politics, before completing his Masters in Finance at the London Business School. He holds the ASIP qualification and is an Associate Member of the CFA Society of the UK.
Hướng Dẫn Đăng Bình Luận


Chúng tôi khuyến khích các bạn đăng bình luận để kết giao với người sử dụng, chia sẻ quan điểm của bạn và đặt câu hỏi cho tác giả và những người khác. Tuy nhiên, để duy trì chất lượng cuộc đàm luận ở mức độ cao, điều mà chúng ta đều mong muốn, xin bạn hãy nhớ những nguyên tắc sau:

  • Làm phong phú cuộc đàm luận
  • Đi vào trọng tâm và đúng hướng. Chỉ đăng những nội dung liên quan đến chủ đề đang được thảo luận.
  • Hãy tôn trọng. Kể cả những ý kiến tiêu cực cũng phải được viết trong khuôn khổ tích cực và ngoại giao.
  • Sử dụng phong cách viết chuẩn. Bao gồm cả dấu chấm câu, chữ hoa và chữ thường.
  • LƯU Ý: Các tin rác và/hoặc thông điệp cùng đường dẫn quảng cáo, email, số điện thoại trong bài bình luận sẽ bị xóa bỏ, đồng thời các tài khoản có những bình luận này cũng sẽ bị treo cho đến khi chủ tài khoản cam kết không vi phạm lần thứ hai các quy định đăng bài.
  • Tránh những công kích cá nhân, báng bổ hay vu khống trực tiếp đến tác giả hay một người sử dụng khác.
  • Chỉ cho phép các bình luận bằng Tiếng Việt.

Theo toàn quyền quyết định của Investing.com, thủ phạm gây ra thư rác hay có hành động lạm dụng sẽ bị xóa khỏi trang và bị cấm đăng nhập trong tương lai.

Bình luận 0P0000XTSP

Viết cảm nghĩ của bạn về BNY Mellon Global Equity Income Fund Sterling W Acc
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Bạn tạm thời không thể bình luận do đã có báo cáo tiêu cực từ người dùng. Nhân viên điều phối trang của chúng tôi sẽ xem xét trạng thái của bạn.
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Bạn tạm thời không thể bình luận do đã có báo cáo tiêu cực từ người dùng. Nhân viên điều phối trang của chúng tôi sẽ xem xét trạng thái của bạn.
Vui lòng chờ một phút trước khi gửi lại lời bình.
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