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Grandeur Peak Global Reach Fund Investor Class (GPROX)

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15.620 +0.020    +0.13%
28/06 - Dữ Liệu Trì Hoãn. Tiền tệ tính theo USD ( Miễn trừ Trách nhiệm )
Loại:  Quỹ
Thị trường:  Hoa Kỳ
Đơn vị phát hành:  Grandeur Peak Funds
Lớp Tài Sản:  Cổ phiếu
  • Xếp Hạng Morningstar:
  • Tổng Tài Sản: 20.16M
Grandeur Peak Global Reach Fund Investor Class 15.620 +0.020 +0.13%

Tổng quan GPROX

Đây là nơi bạn có thể tìm kiếm hồ sơ chuyên sâu về Grandeur Peak Global Reach Fund Investor Class. Tìm hiểu về các nhân sự quản lý chủ chốt, tổng tài sản, chiến lược đầu tư và thông tin liên hệ của GPROX cùng nhiều thông tin khác.
Thể loại

World Small/Mid Stock

Tổng Tài Sản


Chi Phí


Ngày Bắt Đầu


Thông Tin Liên Lạc

Địa Chỉ 1290 Broadway, Suite 1100
Denver,CO 80203
United States
Điện thoại 855-377-7325

Các Chuyên Viên Hàng Đầu

Tên Tiêu đề Kể từ Cho tới
Conner Whipple - 2021 bây giờ
Tiểu sử Conner Whipple, MS Mr. Whipple joined Grandeur Peak Global Advisors as a Research Analyst in 2012. He was appointed as a portfolio manager of the Grandeur Peak Global Reach Fund in 2021. He speaks Korean fluently and lived in Korea for two years. Mr. Whipple graduated from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah with a B.A. degree in finance and a minor in Korean. He also received a MBA degree from Oxford University in England.
Phil Naylor - 2021 bây giờ
Tiểu sử Phil Naylor Mr. Naylor has worked as a Research Analyst at Grandeur Peak Global Advisors since 2013. He was appointed as a portfolio manager of Global Reach in 2021. Mr. Naylor graduated from the Business Scholar program at the University of Utah, earning a B.S. degree in finance. He is also a 2021 MBA candidate at the University of Cambridge in England. Having lived in El Salvador for two years, Mr. Naylor is fluent in Spanish.
Tyler Glauser - 2021 bây giờ
Tiểu sử Tyler Glauser, MBA Mr. Glauser has been a Research Analyst at Grandeur Peak Global Advisors since 2014. He was appointed as a portfolio manager of Global Reach in 2021. Mr. Glauser graduated magna cum laude from the University of Utah with a B.S. degree in accounting, and received a MBA degree from INSEAD in Singapore. Prior to college, Mr. Glauser lived for two years in Chile and speaks fluent Spanish.
Juliette Douglas Senior Research Analyst 2018 bây giờ
Tiểu sử Ms. Douglas is Deputy Director of Research at Grandeur Peak Global Advisors. Ms. Douglas has been a portfolio manager for the Grandeur Peak Global Reach Fund since 2018, a portfolio manager of the Grandeur Peak International Opportunities Fund since 2020, and the Grandeur Peak Global Explorer Fund since inception in December 2021. She is also a Sr. Research Analyst. Before becoming a research analyst, Ms. Douglas worked as a global equities trader and as a manager on the operations team. Before joining Grandeur Peak Global Advisors in 2013, Ms. Douglas was a Financial Analyst at Adidas in Portland, Oregon. Previously, Ms. Douglas spent four years in various roles on the operations team at Wasatch Advisors, including her final role as Senior International Trade Analyst. Ms. Douglas graduated cum laude from Westminster College earning a BS in Business with a concentration in Finance.
Mark Madsen Senior Equity Analyst 2016 bây giờ
Tiểu sử Mr. Madsen is a Sr. Research Analyst at Grandeur Peak Global Advisors, with a specialty focus on the energy & materials sector globally. Mr. Madsen joined Grandeur Peak in 2016 following four years working as a Senior Equity Analyst in a family office. Mr. Madsen has been a research analyst since 2004, when he began his career at Wasatch Advisors. Mr. Madsen began as a junior analyst and was later promoted to a senior research analyst, He developed an expertise in Energy, Industrials and Finance. Mr. Madsen left Wasatch to found Red Desert Capital in Las Vegas, NV. As Founder and Portfolio Manager, Mr. Madsen successfully launched a concentrated portfolio based on a bottom-up fundamental value investment strategy. Mr. Madsen was recruited by a client to manage a family office in St. George, Utah. There he developed an all-cap equity portfolio, managed an income portfolio and was responsible for tracking and evaluating third-party managed accounts. Mr. Madsen graduated from Brigham Young University with a B.S. and Masters in Accounting. He holds the CFA designation.
Brad C. Barth CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2016 bây giờ
Tiểu sử Mr. Barth is Deputy Chief Investment Officer at Grandeur Peak Global Advisors, with a specialty focus on the financials sector globally. Mr. Barth joined Grandeur Peak in 2015 from Goldman Sachs, where he was an EMEA financial institutions analyst in the Credit Research Group for four years. In this role, he covered French and Benelux banks during the European sovereign debt crisis. Mr. Barth graduated with a bachelor’s degree from the University of Utah and received a master’s degree from the London School of Economics. He is currently a doctoral candidate in Finance at the University of Utah.
Liping Cai Portfolio Manager 2015 bây giờ
Tiểu sử Ms. Cai has been a portfolio manager for the Grandeur Peak Global Reach Fund since 2015 and for the Grandeur Peak Emerging Markets Opportunities Fund since 2018, and is also a Sr. Research Analyst at Grandeur Peak Global Advisors, with a specialty focus on the health care sector globally. Ms. Cai joined Grandeur Peak in 2013. She spent the previous six years on the equity research team at William Blair & Company specializing in the healthcare, retail, and the real estate sectors, and most recently heading up the firm’s China-based research team. From 1999-2006, Ms. Cai worked in the healthcare field for Fair Isaac Corporation (Health Care Strategy Consultant), Abbott Laboratories (Senior Market Analyst), Biogen Idec (Summer Marketing Associate), and Genentech, now Roche (Research Associate).
Amy Hu Sunderland Portfolio Manager 2013 bây giờ
Tiểu sử Ms. Sunderland, CFA and portfolio manager, has been a senior research analyst at Grandeur Peak Global Advisors, with a specialty focus on the consumer sector, since the firm’s inception in 2011. Prior to Grandeur Peak, Ms. Sunderland was a junior and later senior research analyst at Wasatch Advisors from 2003-2011. Before Wasatch, Ms. Sunderland worked on the Goldman Sachs Private Wealth Management Team. Ms. Sunderland graduated Magna Cum Laude in the top 1% of her class from the University of Utah where she earned a B.S. in Finance and Business Information Systems. Ms. Sunderland was selected as the Outstanding Finance Scholar of the Year by the dean, and a Coca-Cola Scholar. Ms. Sunderland is fluent in Mandarin Chinese.
Randy E. Pearce CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2013 bây giờ
Tiểu sử Mr. Pearce, CIO and Portfolio Manager, has been a senior research analyst at Grandeur Peak Global Advisors, with a specialty focus on the financial sector, since the firm’s inception in 2011. Prior to Grandeur Peak, Mr. Pearce was a junior and later senior research analyst at Wasatch Advisors from 2005-2009. In 2010, Mr. Pearce interned at Thornburg Investment Management as a global equities analyst while earning his MBA. Mr. Pearce has a B.A. in Business Administration from the University of Utah and an MBA from the University of California at Berkeley. He holds the CFA designation, having passed each of the three levels on his first attempt. Mr. Pearce speaks Portuguese and lived in Brazil for two years.
Stuart Rigby Research Analyst 2015 2023
Tiểu sử Mr. Rigby is a Sr. Research Analyst at Grandeur Peak Global Advisors, with a specialty focus on the technology sector globally. Mr. Rigby joined Grandeur Peak in 2012 after receiving an MBA from Cornell University. During his graduate program he interned at Epic Ventures and Opteris. Prior to that, Mr. Rigby spent two years as a product manager at Alliance Health Networks (social internet) and four years as a software engineer at lntelisum (3D software).
Hướng Dẫn Đăng Bình Luận


Chúng tôi khuyến khích các bạn đăng bình luận để kết giao với người sử dụng, chia sẻ quan điểm của bạn và đặt câu hỏi cho tác giả và những người khác. Tuy nhiên, để duy trì chất lượng cuộc đàm luận ở mức độ cao, điều mà chúng ta đều mong muốn, xin bạn hãy nhớ những nguyên tắc sau:

  • Làm phong phú cuộc đàm luận
  • Đi vào trọng tâm và đúng hướng. Chỉ đăng những nội dung liên quan đến chủ đề đang được thảo luận.
  • Hãy tôn trọng. Kể cả những ý kiến tiêu cực cũng phải được viết trong khuôn khổ tích cực và ngoại giao.
  • Sử dụng phong cách viết chuẩn. Bao gồm cả dấu chấm câu, chữ hoa và chữ thường.
  • LƯU Ý: Các tin rác và/hoặc thông điệp cùng đường dẫn quảng cáo, email, số điện thoại trong bài bình luận sẽ bị xóa bỏ, đồng thời các tài khoản có những bình luận này cũng sẽ bị treo cho đến khi chủ tài khoản cam kết không vi phạm lần thứ hai các quy định đăng bài.
  • Tránh những công kích cá nhân, báng bổ hay vu khống trực tiếp đến tác giả hay một người sử dụng khác.
  • Chỉ cho phép các bình luận bằng Tiếng Việt.

Theo toàn quyền quyết định của Investing.com, thủ phạm gây ra thư rác hay có hành động lạm dụng sẽ bị xóa khỏi trang và bị cấm đăng nhập trong tương lai.

Bình luận GPROX

Viết cảm nghĩ của bạn về Grandeur Peak Global Reach Fund Investor Class
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Thay thế biểu đồ đính kèm bằng một biểu đồ mới ?
Bạn tạm thời không thể bình luận do đã có báo cáo tiêu cực từ người dùng. Nhân viên điều phối trang của chúng tôi sẽ xem xét trạng thái của bạn.
Vui lòng chờ một phút trước khi gửi lại lời bình.
Cám ơn lời bình của bạn. Vui lòng lưu ý rằng lời bình của bạn đang chờ các điều phối viên của chúng tôi phê duyệt.​ Do đó, sẽ mất một lúc sau lời bình mới được hiển thị trên trang web của chúng tôi.
Có chắc chắn bạn muốn xóa biểu đồ này không?
Thay thế biểu đồ đính kèm bằng một biểu đồ mới ?
Bạn tạm thời không thể bình luận do đã có báo cáo tiêu cực từ người dùng. Nhân viên điều phối trang của chúng tôi sẽ xem xét trạng thái của bạn.
Vui lòng chờ một phút trước khi gửi lại lời bình.
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