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Hội nghị

Calgary Resource & Energy Investment Conference

Người tổ chức:  Cambridge House International Inc.
Bắt đầu: 30/03/2012 15:00
Kết thúc: 01/04/2012 01:00
Địa Chỉ:
120 9 Avenue Southeast,
Giá: See website for pricing
Điện thoại: 1-877-363-3356
Email: info@cambridgehouse.com
In response to the increasing, and alarming, awareness that our world is
plunging headlong into a worldwide energy crisis, Cambridge House will make energy one of the keystones of its Calgary Resource & Energy Conference this year.

Under the headline The Global Energy Crisis Deepens, the English edition of Le Monde Diplomatique notes: “Any expectations that ever-increasing supplies of energy will meet demand
in the coming years are destined to be disappointed. Instead, recurring shortages, rising prices and mounting discontent are likely to be the thematic drumbeat of the globe’s energy future.”

Alternatives to traditional energy sources do exist—sun energy, wind, tidal, geothermic and bio energy—but the problem is, they aren’t yet available in the scale and concentration required for large populations, and as a consequence are currently much more expensive to develop and implement.

Cambridge House will utilize traditional advertising, social media and
its co-sponsors to promote this timely and topical Calgary Conference, and we invite exhibitors to reserve a prime location today.
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