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Hội nghị

Saskatchewan Investment Conference

Người tổ chức:  Cambridge House International Inc.
Bắt đầu: 04/05/2012 15:00
Kết thúc: 06/05/2012 01:00
Địa Chỉ:
405 Twentieth Street East,
Giá: See website for pricing
Điện thoại: 1-877-363-3356
Email: info@cambridgehouse.com
Fresh from two years of warm government endorsement, Cambridge House returns to the home province of Joe Martin, our founder and chairman, to present its fourth annual Saskatchewan Investment Conference.

Billed by its government as “Energyrich and Resource-Full,” Saskatchewan annually hosts exploration and development programs from literally hundreds of resource companies seeking everything from precious and base metals to potash and uranium. The province is
the world leader in the former and is one of the world’s largest producers of the latter, accounting for approximately 20% of global production from the world’s richest uranium deposits.

The province also is Canada’s second-largest oil producer, and is fifthlargest among all American states and provinces. Its oil in place is an estimated 45.6 million barrels.

Cambridge House made the decision to purchase the formerly named Sask Rocks conference in Saskatoon because of the facts such as above. Also because the province’s investors were shareholders
of companies whose mineral production was over $6.8 billion in 2010, with exploration expenditures of $319 million.

Heady figures, those, and Cambridge House exhibitors are assured of meeting experienced and discerning investors who are always searching for targets of opportunity.
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