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Wealth 2.0 Terrapinn

Người tổ chức:  Terrapinn
Bắt đầu: 29/11/2017 16:00
Kết thúc: 30/11/2017 23:00
Địa Chỉ:
Hilton Canary Wharf,
Reino Unido
Giá: 15% descount on registration INVESTING
Điện thoại: +44 (0)207 092 1210
Fax: https://goo.gl/mYQibs
Email: tayyab.abbasi@terrapinn.com

Wealth 2.0 will seek to bring together the global wealth and asset management community and will provide a platform for the industry to meet and formulate a way to move forward in this rapidly changing space.
The expectations, needs and wishes of tomorrow’s customer will be of paramount importance and discussions will dissect what the world’s leading companies predict these to be. Wealth 2.0 will also feature high-level debates and discussions focussing on which technologies will best satisfy, impress and retain the future customer and how these can be implemented successfully.
Wealth 2.0 will attract Chief Executive Officers, Chief Investment Officers, Chief Data Officers, Chief Technology Officers, Chief Marketing Officers and their teams and will feature content dedicated to the following verticals: Data analytics, robo-tech, social media, skills development, new customers and markets, cyber security, artificial intelligence, goal based investing portfolio management and blockchain. The agenda will also include the opportunity to hear from and discuss with the most innovative of start-ups that are disrupting the industry.
The conference will feature over 400 senior-level attendees with a further 300 to participate in the exhibition.
Why not bring your colleagues along too? Register today and benefit from the 15% partner discount.

Simply use the voucher code NYDF when you register online.

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