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The Real Estate Brazil Forum 2013

Người tổ chức:  Markets Group
Bắt đầu: 16/09/2013 15:00
Kết thúc: 18/09/2013 01:00
Địa Chỉ:
Av. Atlântica, 1702 Copacabana,
Rio de Janeiro,
Giá: Please Visit Site For More Details
Điện thoại: +1-646-568-1999
Email: andres.ortiz@latinmarkets.org
The Real Estate Brazil Forum 2013 is a unique senior level executive forum pertaining to the interests of both International and Brazilian institutional investors in Latin America.

Brazil's Largest Real Estate Investor Gathering

Hosted in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, this event reunites renowned LPs from across the globe including Pension Funds, Foundations, Endowments, Consultants, Fund-of-Funds and Family Offices, as well as real estate fund managers, investment managers, developers and bankers.

Request the agenda to view the 21 session topics designed to cater to investors' interests, including:

- The future of the real estate markets in Brazil and other growing markets throughout Latin America
- The Global Investor's Perspective
- The Brazilian Investor's Perspective
- An overview of various sub-sectors including residential, hospitality, industrial, logistics, shopping malls and retail
- Exploring Latin America

To learn more about how to participate, please contact Andres Ortiz at andres.ortiz@latinmarkets.org or +1-646-568-1999.

Register Now!

About Latin Markets 

Latin Markets is the world's leading provider of Latin American focused investment forums, regional summits, and streamlines market intelligence. Our platform provides a comprehensive and fascinating perspective of the opportunities in this diverse and booming region by focusing on high quality buy side events. 

Our research focuses on maintaining the largest investor network in Latin America, with more than 5,000 institutional investors, fund managers, advisors, and industry thought leaders who join us for discussions on asset allocation, regulatory change and investment strategy in pension funds, foundations, endowments, sovereign wealth funds and family offices. 

Latin Markets is a regional provider of live forums and digital content focused on Latin America's growing investment management and infrastructure sectors. We are a highly experienced team of 45+ full time staff members with true passion and expertise in our field. Since 2009, we have organized 100+ successful events throughout Latin America and around the world.
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